Международная объединенная конференция "Интернет и современное общество"
Internet and Modern Society - IMSInternet and Modern Society (IMS)
International conference “Internet and Modern Society” (IMS-2022) is mainly organized by ITMO University, held in St. Petersburg, from 23 to 25 June 2022, during the Information Society Week.
Important tasks of the IMS-2022 are contribution to the formation of specialists’ international community and promotion of research and development in the field of information society technologies.
Important events of IMS-2022 which focus on specific aspects of the Information Society and digital transformation are:
International Workshop «Internet Psychology» (IntPsy-2022),
International Workshop «Computational Linguistics» (CompLing-2022),
International Workshop «Electronic Governance: The State and Citizens in the Electronic Environment» (E-Governance-2022),
International Workshop «Digital City» (Dcity-2022),
Young Scholars’ Poster Session «Digital Transformation in Governance and Society» (YS-DTGS – 2022).
The goal of the IntPsy-2022 is to create a platform for experts and researchers’ collaboration and discussion of the issues related to the transformations of human behavior and communication in the network society, the influence of ICTs on the cognitive and personal development of children and adults, as well as to the methodology of psychological research on the Internet. See CFP for details.
The goal of the CompLing-2022 is to discuss the actual issues of interaction of linguistics and information technologies – regarding the development of technology solutions on the basis of a natural language, and the influence of information technologies on the language. Target audience are linguists of all profiles, the staff of organizations developing information systems that involve natural language processing, specialists in knowledge representation, higher education teachers, translators. See CFP for details.
The goal of the E-Governance-2022 workshop is to discuss the problems of new forms of interaction between citizens and the state in the digital environment, to develop the idea of digital citizenship, to identify the challenges and risks of digitalization of the public sphere, to determine the role of trust in digital technologies on the part of citizens and public servants. See CFP for details.
The goal of the DСity-2022 workshop is to create a platform for experts and researchers’ collaboration and discussion of the issues related to a qualitative change in urbanism, the transition of many processes to the digital sphere, a new, digital citizen worldview, as well as new opportunities that open up with new technologies, such as artificial intelligence. See CFP for details.
YS-DTGS-2022 is an academic event for students and young scholars (under 35 years of age). It provides a collaborative platform for young researchers to discuss transformative impact of digital technologies. See CFP for details.
All submissions will be carefully reviewed by the program committee and selected for the IMS2022 Proceedings. The proceedings will be published by the CEUR open-access service (http://ceur-ws.org/) and indexed by DBLP and Scopus.
Important Dates - Paper Submission:
15 May – Notifications for acceptance;
1 June – Deadline for authors registration.
Participants must present their reports in person, not showing up at the conference will automatically lead to the exclusion of the paper from IMS Proceedings.
To be accepted to the workshop a paper must be original, not published anywhere else before or being under review. A paper can be either in English or Russian. All papers undergo a double-blind peer review by no fewer than 3 experts. The authors of accepted papers will be invited to participate in the workshop as speakers.
Contact Information:
Polina Smirnova
IMS Information manager
E-mail: ims@itmo.ru
IMS-2022 EasyChair Page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ims2022
CompLIng-2022: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=compling2022
IntPsy-2022: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=intpsy2022
eGov-2022: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ims_egov2022
YS-DTGS-2022: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=YSDTGS2022
DСity-2022: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcity2022